Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Metzger's Restaurant

Metzger's Restaurant
Baxter Plaza on Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI
Menu -

Ira is our guest reviewer this week....
Since it was my turn to choose the restaurant, and my first successful attempt at choosing a restaurant, Sharon decided I should write this week's review. I promise that I will try to sound as much like Carrie Bradshaw as possible ;-)

In this festive time of year, as we merrily shop for loved(and not so loved) ones, we must stop and take time for the things that really matter. For me, one of those things is our dinners. It is fun to try new places, and actually trying different foods. My choice this month was Metger's Restaurant in Ann Arbor.

I wanted to try something different from the standard American food, wasn't in the mood for Mexican or Italian food and, PF Changs is on the "cannot choose list". So I decided that maybe German food would be a little out of the box. Sharon was hesitant at first, but you all know the rules.

I am a little familiar with German food, having been stationed there in the Army, but Sharon really didn't know anything, which was fun for me.

We decided on deep fried mushrooms for an appetizer, cause who doesn't like those right? I ordered a Franziskaner Weissbier(which is a wheat beer), and Sharon chose to have a Bell's Amber. Both beers were tasty, but I think she wished that she would have ordered what I had. She thought it tasted like root beer. I have to admit it reminded me of Germany.

We were having trouble trying to decide to on the entrée, so we figured that we'd order a double platter which gave us a choice of soup or salad, 4 sides, 4 meats. We both had salads as they were out of French Onion soup(at 6:45). The meats were bratwurst, knackwurst, mettwurst, and weiner schnitzle(veal pounded, breaded and fried), and the sides were German potato salad, spaetzle(a small dumpling), red cabbage, and sauerkraut.

I have to say that I am glad that we chose this restaurant. My favorite meal in Germany was the Wiener Schnitzel, and this didn't disappoint, it was cooked well and had a good flavor to it. Sharon fell in love with the potato salad, and I even ate sauerkraut. I think the only thing that we agreed left something to be desired was the bratwurst. Neither of us felt it had much flavor.

For dessert we had to have to apple struedel but were so full from the meal that we got it to go. It was light and flaky, but I have to be honest, I couldn't eat all of mine because I was too full(Sharon ate all of hers though-lol).

I think we would agree that this restaurant is a must try for the adventurous soul who wants to try something a little different. Or the person who longs for a little cooking from Deutschland. Either way, if asked I would say try it.

Oh yeah, Miranda has man issues, Samantha's a whore, and Charlotte is waiting for a dream that'll never happen. Oh, and I saw Mr. Big.


1 comment:

Mary said...

Hahaha...Ira, you are funny and make a good Carrie Bradshaw! I have not been to Metzger's in so long, since before they moved. I love German food. I'm glad that you went and got Sharon to try it out.