Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Breakfast Club

Our weekend review #2

The Breakfast Club
676 W Grand River Ave.Brighton, MI 48116

This was not a planned stop, but I felt it also deserved a review since I had never been there before. Again, this restaurant is in Brighton (seems to be a lot of places we haven't been 10 minutes from our house) and is only open for breakfast and lunch. They have been voted the best breakfast in Livingston County for 4 years running and are well known for their oven baked french toast.

This is a cute, little restaurant that is actually larger on the inside that it looks from the outside. While Ira's breakfast was fairly standard with pancakes and coffee, he did state the coffee was really good. I tried his pancakes and agreed with him that his are better.

Me, on the other hand, I had to try what they were known for...the world renowned (states that in the menu) oven baked french toast. This is made with cinnamon rolls, texas toast, croissant, berries, and streusel. Now building from bottom up - a large cinnamon roll, a piece of texas toast, berries of all kinds, we were guessing the croissant is probably tore up and put on top the berries, and then a couple inches of struesel. What they brought to me looked like a huge chunk of 8 inch high coffee cake...WITH SYRUP! Holy cow was this thing huge!!

While I knew I would not be eating all of it, I did give it a fair try and think I ate most of it, at least more than half. It was sweet, but not too sweet and very tasty. I also had fresh and delicious orange juice that I was trying not to share with Ira.

After the meal they bring your check with chocolate covered strawberries for each person at the table - very classy!

The only downfall is that their prices are a little high for breakfast. The bill was $25 for everything I mentioned above. So, that will keep me from visiting on a regular basis, but I will definitely go back.

4 stars

1 comment:

Mary said...

Leaning Tower of Breakfast...that sounds delish!